7 Healthy (Exotic) Fruits You SHOULD Be Eating

7 Healthy (Exotic) Fruits You SHOULD Be Eating

Eating a variety of fruit is incredibly beneficial for you, especially when it comes to your health. Research shows that you should at least eat five portions of fruit and veg a day (In total, not five portions each!). You may be wondering, what fruit is best for you? Well, we’ve put together a list of seven (exotic) fruits that we think you should be eating today!

Top tip: A portion of fruit is 80g.

Paw Paw

Scientific name: Asimina triloba

Pawpaw? What is a pawpaw? Don’t worry, we don’t expect you to know every single fruit on this list! A pawpaw is a large yellowish-green fruit that is native to the US and Canada. They have a sweet, but tangy flavour, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. A Pawpaw is rich in a number of different minerals. Including, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, manganese and vitamin A.

Vitamin C is known for helping to protect cells, maintain healthy skin and bones, as well as help with wound healing. Vitamin A, on the other hand, can help with your immune system and keep the lining of a number of different parts of your body healthy – including your nose.


Scientific name: Citrus japonica

A Kumquat may look like a small, oddly shaped orange to most. They are not much larger than a grape and are packed with sweet-tart citrus flavour. They are originally native to China and are bursting with a number of minerals and vitamins. Including vitamin A, B, C and E as well as copper and zinc.

Fun fact: Kumquats high water content makes them a filling fruit!

Dragon Fruit

Scientific name: Hylocereus Undatus

The pitahaya, or more commonly named dragon fruit, is a pinkish, white-fleshed fruit that originates from Central America. It is part of the cactus family and is filled with vitamin B1, B2, B3, vitamin C and minerals – including calcium iron and phosphorus.

Phosphorus in the diet can help to build bones and teeth, as well as grow and repair tissues and cells.

Fun fact: The dragon fruits name probably comes from the “scales” it has all over its skin.


Scientific name: Mangifera Indica

Probably one of the sweetest and juiciest fruits on our list (and our favourite). Depending on the variety, mangos can either be red, green or yellow. They are native to India and are relatively low in calories and contain vitamins A and C, as well as folate, iron and calcium.

Mangos, thanks to the high fibre content, can help with your digestion, as well as potentially helping with your eye health. Thanks to being rich in beta-carotene – which helps with the production of Vitamin A. Which is the vitamin that helps improve vision.

Passion Fruit

Scientific name: Passiflora edulis

Passion fruit is a small but mighty fruit. It has a tough outer skin and is packed with a juicy, see-filled centre. The most common varieties are purple and yellow and they are highly rich in Vitamin C, beta-cryptoxanthin and alpha-carotene. All of which are known to boost your immunity. They also contain vitamin B3, which can help with regulating thyroid activity in your body.

Fun fact: the seeds of the passion fruit are edible. But be aware, they are quite tart!


Scientific name: Physalis peruviana

Also known as ground cherries or cape gooseberries, the Physalis (fai·suh·luhs), originates from Peru. It is a small, smooth berry, that you might mistake for a small yellow tomato. A ripe physalis will have a sweet-tart taste (think pineapple) and is rich in cryptoxanthin. Cryptoxanthin is incredibly important for your health, as it is an important antioxidant. 

Sharon Fruit

Scientific name: Diospyros kaki

Sharon fruit, or persimmon, is commonly grown in China, Korea and Japan. It is shaped like a tomato and has a thin, orange skin. It has a seedless core and is sweet in flavour. The fruit is bursting with an impressive number of minerals and nutrients. Including, Vitamin A, C, E and K, as well as B6, Copper and Potassium.

Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting, which means it will aid in the healing of wounds.

How do you know if it’s ripe? It will feel supple when gently pressed.

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